Osteopathic Medical Oncology and Hematology, P.C. - Page 37

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          reflect accounts receivable with respect to chemotherapy drugs              
          and (2) an increase in closing inventory for the actual cost,               
          $31,887, of such drugs on hand at the end of 1995.                          
               In respondent’s notice of deficiency in tax (the notice),              
          respondent explains the net adjustment as follows:                          
                    It is determined that since the cash basis of                     
               accounting does not clearly reflect income as required                 
               by the Internal Revenue Code section 446(b), the                       
               Government is changing the taxpayer’s method of                        
               accounting from the overall cash receipts and                          
               disbursements method of accounting to a hybrid method                  
               by which purchases and sales of merchandise are                        
               accounted for on the accrual method of accounting, with                
               maintenance of inventories.                                            
               In the petition, petitioner avers, among other things, that            
          it is a qualified personal service corporation within the meaning           
          of section 448(d)(2), “thus allowing it the use of the cash                 
          method of accounting.”  See sec. 448(a) and (b).  In the answer,            
          respondent denies petitioner’s averment that it is allowed to use           
          the cash method and “[a]lleges that the petitioner is required to           
          maintain inventories and, therefore, is required to use the                 
          accrual method for the purchase and sale of inventories.”                   
          III.  Pertinent Provisions of the Code and Regulations                      
               Gross income is defined in section 61(a), which includes, as           
          an item of gross income, “[g]ross income derived from business”.            
          Sec. 61(a)(2).  In pertinent part, section 1.61-3(a), Income Tax            
          Regs., provides:  “In a manufacturing, merchandising, or mining             
          business, ‘gross income’ means the total sales, less the cost of            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011