- 9 - It is standard in the mailing list industry to include the management commission, brokerage commission, and running fees in the base price. The commissions paid to the list manager, CMS, and the list brokers are within the range of usual and customary amounts paid for such services. For an additional cost, a mailer can further customize its order. For an extra fee per 1,000 names, a mailer can request that the names it rents be selected by certain other criteria. Selection criteria (special selections) include: Gender, ethnicity, State, and ZIP code. Petitioner, pursuant to the recommendation of CMS, determines which special selections to offer and how much to charge the mailer. Petitioner includes the special selection information on its data cards. Triplex actually performs the special selections. Triplex charges different fees for performing different special selections and regularly notifies petitioner of the fees for such selections. Before August 1993, the amount that the mailer was charged for special selection fees was equal to the amount that Triplex charged petitioner and did not include any commissions paid to CMS, the list manager, or the list brokers. After August 1993, the amount that the mailer is charged for special selection fees exceeds the amount which Triplex charges petitioner and includes a 20-percent list brokerage commission and a 25-percent list management commission retained by CMS and ALC.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011