Rountree Cotton Co. - Page 26

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          for the benefit of Tharp family members, most of whom were                  
          shareholders of petitioner.  This is the type of situation that             
          section 7872 was intended to address.  In the setting of this               
          case, if there had been significant ownership of the borrowing              
          entities by anyone who did not belong to the Tharp family, we do            
          not think it likely that interest-free loans to those entities              
          would have been made by petitioner.  In view of the foregoing, we           
          hold that the direct and indirect loans made by petitioner come             
          within the provisions of section 7872(c)(1)(C) and that interest            
          should be imputed to petitioner.                                            
               That does not end our inquiry, however, because respondent,            
          in the notice of deficiency, computed the amount of interest to             
          be imputed to petitioner on the basis of the loans outstanding              
          during each of petitioner’s taxable years.  For tax purposes,               
          petitioner used a fiscal year ending on August 31.  Petitioner,             
          however, argues that section 7872 requires an interest                      
          computation based on a calendar year.  Section 7872(a)(2)                   
          provides that                                                               
               Except as otherwise provided in regulations prescribed                 
               by the Secretary, any foregone interest attributable to                
               periods during any calendar year shall be treated as                   
               transferred (and retransferred) under paragraph (1) on                 
               the last day of such calendar year.                                    
          The Commissioner did not publish any final or temporary                     
          regulations that vary from the rule stated in section 7872(a)(2).           

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