Estate of Lloyd P. Cavett - Page 7

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                    3.  This agreement shall be binding on the heirs,                 
               legal representatives and assigns of both parties                      
                    4.  This agreement may not be altered, changed or                 
               modified except in writing, signed by both parties                     
                    5.  This agreement constitutes the entire                         
               agreement and understanding of the parties.  There are                 
               no representations or warranties other than those                      
               expressly herein set forth.                                            
          The Relationship                                                            
               Decedent and Bell met in 1947.  At that time, they were each           
          married to other persons.  They developed a close, personal                 
               In 1957, Bell and her husband were divorced, following a               
          dispute concerning Bell’s relationship with decedent.                       
               Decedent's wife (Mrs. Cavett) died in 1963.  Decedent and              
          Mrs. Cavett had one child, who was disabled and resided with                
          decedent until her death in 1987.                                           
               Following Mrs. Cavett's death, decedent involved Bell fully            
          in both his personal and social life.  For example, (1) decedent            
          and Bell resided together, (2) they traveled together as husband            
          and wife, (3) they used endearments, such as “sweetheart” and               
          “honey” when referring to each other, (4) Bell had unrestricted             
          access to decedent's wealth, (5) decedent and Bell had joint bank           
          accounts, (6) decedent gave Bell gifts including cash, real and             
          personal property, jewelry and vacations, (7) decedent                      
          transferred his residence into joint ownership with rights of               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011