Exxon Mobil Corporation and Affiliated Companies, f.k.a. Exxon Corporation and Affiliated Companies - Page 23

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          placed in service in 1981 and 1982 under the Accelerated Cost               
          Recovery System (ACRS) of section 168.                                      

          Exxon’s Financial Reporting Relating to                                     
          Estimated Prudhoe Bay DRR Costs                                             
               In 1977, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)               
          issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 19,                  
          “Financial Accounting and Reporting by Oil and Gas Producing                
          Companies” (FAS 19),4 which required oil and gas companies, for             
          financial income statement reporting purposes, to take estimated            
          future DRR costs into account in determining amortization and               
          depreciation rates.  For financial accounting purposes, oil and             
          gas companies have estimated such costs in a variety of ways.               
          Where estimates of DRR costs exceed estimated salvage value, oil            
          and gas companies, including Exxon, have reported and claimed,              
          for financial income statement reporting purposes, depreciation             

               4  Paragraph 37 of FAS 19 provides with regard to fixed DRR            
          obligations the following income statement accounting for DRR:              
               Estimated dismantlement, restoration, and abandonment costs            
               and estimated residual salvage values shall be taken into              
               account in determining amortization and depreciation rates.            
               FAS 19 does not address the balance sheet accounting for               
          DRR.  In a February 1996 Exposure Draft entitled “Accounting for            
          Certain Liabilities Related to Closure or Removal of Long-Lived             
          Assets”, which would include onshore and offshore oil and gas               
          production facilities, the FASB recommended that oil and gas                
          companies, for financial reporting purposes, fully accrue                   
          estimated future DRR costs that represent fixed obligations in              
          the year the obligations first arise, capitalize such costs into            
          the bases of the related assets, and recover the costs through              
          depreciation deductions over the productive lives of the assets.            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011