Neonatology Associates, P.A., et al - Page 57

                                               - 57 -                                                  
            transferred to the C-group conversion UL policy for potential                              
            earning.  Dr. Hirshkowitz will earn these credits in 120 equal                             
            monthly installments, beginning October 1995.  The conversion                              
            credit balance of $122,941.12 equaled the amount referenced in                             
            Commonwealth’s table of conversion credit values for the                                   
            following variables:  (1) Business issued before February 1,                               
            1993, (2) male, (3) issue age 59, (4) duration of 3 years 2                                
            months, and (5) $940,000 death benefit.                                                    
                  3.  Dr. Sankhla’s Peoples Security C-Group Term Policy                               
                  Effective January 31, 1993, Peoples Security issued a                                
            $500,000 C-group term policy (certificate No. 7003453) on the                              
            life of Dr. Sankhla, age 39.  The first-year premium was $5,750,                           
            and the cost of insuring Dr. Sankhla for that year was $1,245.51.                          
            Lakewood paid this premium, and, at the end of that year, the                              
            conversion credit balance was $4,707.19 ($5,750 - $1,245.51 +                              
            $202.70); the $202.70 is the interest of 4.5 percent earned on                             
            the conversion credit balance (($4,707.19 - $202.70) x 4.5% =                              
            $202.70)).  None of the conversion credit balance could have been                          
            transferred at this time to the C-group conversion UL policy,                              
            upon conversion thereto, because the C-group term policy was in                            
            its first year.                                                                            
                  During the relevant years, Commonwealth, Inter-American, and                         
            Peoples Security paid Kirwan, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Ankner (either                           
            indirectly through one of his companies or directly) commissions                           

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