Neonatology Associates, P.A., et al - Page 58

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            of $90,503.82, $6,681.23, and $20,960, respectively, on the C-                             
            group products and Sygnet group annuities sold to the Lakewood                             
            Plan.  Kirwan also received, in or about 1996, commissions equal                           
            to 5 percent of the conversion credits, both earned and unearned,                          
            which were applied to the C-group conversion UL policies of Drs.                           
            Hirshkowitz, Desai, and McManus.  These commissions totaled                                
            $29,746.93 (($33,630 x 5%) + ($12,486 x 5%) + ($74,739 x 5%) +                             
            ($215,730 x 5%) + ($80,177.70) + ($55,234.80) + ($122,941.12 x                             
                  The 1991, 1992, and 1993 Forms W-2 issued by Lakewood to                             
            Drs. Hirshkowitz, Desai, Sobo, McManus, and Sankhla did not                                
            report any taxable life insurance benefits provided to them under                          
            the Lakewood Plan.  Dr. Hirshkowitz reported $4,590, $4,590, and                           
            $13,338 as P.S. 58 income on his joint 1991, 1992, and 1993                                
            Federal individual income tax returns, respectively.  Drs. Desai,                          
            Sobo, McManus, and Sankhla did not report on their 1991, 1992, or                          
            1993 Federal individual income tax returns any income from the                             
            life insurance benefits provided to them by Lakewood.                                      
                  Respondent determined that Lakewood could not deduct the                             
            amounts claimed as contributions to the Lakewood Plan in its                               
            October 31, 1991, and its 1992 and 1993 taxable years and                                  
            disallowed the related claimed deductions of $480,901, $209,869,                           
            and $296,056, respectively.  In contrast with the Neonatology                              
            adjustments, respondent’s Lakewood adjustments do not reflect the                          

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