Estate of Charles E. Reichardt - Page 12

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          Kleberg and Nueces Counties; (3) a one-third interest in the                
          Cameron and San Patricio property; (4) investment accounts at               
          Rauscher Pierce and Smith Barney Shearson; (5) the Graham note;             
          and (6) cash; i.e., all of the property alleged to have been in             
          the partnership when decedent died (the transferred property).              
               1.   Whether Decedent Retained Possession, Enjoyment, or the           
                    Right to the Income From the Transferred Property                 
                    During His Lifetime                                               
               For purposes of section 2036(a), a transferor retains the              
          enjoyment of property if there is an express or implied agreement           
          at the time of the transfer that the transferor will retain the             
          present economic benefits of the property, even if the retained             
          right is not legally enforceable.  See Guynn v. United States,              
          437 F.2d 1148, 1150 (4th Cir. 1971); Estate of McNichol v.                  
          Commissioner, 265 F.2d 667, 671 (3d Cir. 1959), affg. 29 T.C.               
          1179 (1958); Estate of Spruill v. Commissioner, 88 T.C. 1197,               
          1225 (1987); Estate of Rapelje v. Commissioner, 73 T.C. 82, 86              
          (1979); Estate of Honigman v. Commissioner, 66 T.C. 1080, 1082              
          (1976); Estate of Gilman v. Commissioner, 65 T.C. 296, 306-307              
          (1975), affd. 547 F.2d 32 (2d Cir. 1976); sec. 20.2036-1(a),                
          Estate Tax Regs. (last sentence).                                           
               In deciding whether there was an implied agreement, we                 
          consider all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the                 
          transfer and subsequent use of the property.  See Estate of                 
          Spruill v. Commissioner, supra; Estate of Rapelje v.                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011