Charles and Beatrice M. Reynolds - Page 41

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         and must state that portion of the deduction allocable to each               
         item.  See sec. 179(c)(1)(A); sec. 1.179-5(a)(1) and (2), Income             
         Tax Regs.                                                                    
              Attached to petitioners’ return for 1994 are three Forms                
         4562, Depreciation and Amortization: two for “Law practice” and              
         one for “Real Estate Mgmt”.  There is no Form 4562 for                       
         petitioners’ farm activity.  On the Form 4562 for “Real Estate               
         Mgmt”, petitioners list as 5-year property under part V, section             
         A, listed property depreciation, a 1994 Ford truck acquired in               
         October of 1994, with a cost basis of $20,507.  For its use in               
         “Real Estate Mgmt” activity, $17,226 of the total cost basis of              
         the van is allocated to depreciation; petitioners claimed a                  
         depreciation deduction of $2,960.  Petitioners therefore allocated           
         84 percent ($17,226/$20,507) of the cost basis of the Ford van to            
         depreciation for its use in real estate management activities.               
         The $2,690 of depreciation for the van is part of a total of                 
         $8,665 of depreciation claimed on line 20 of petitioners’                    
         Schedule E.                                                                  
              On petitioners’ 1994 Federal income tax return, there is no             
         section 179 election for the 1994 Ford van for use in farming or             
         in any other activity.  Petitioners explicitly depreciated the van           
         for its use in a different activity.  Petitioners are not entitled           
         to claim any amount under section 179 with respect to the purchase           
         in 1994 of the Ford van.  See Sharon v. Commissioner, 66 T.C. 515,           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011