Estate of Carolyn J. Rogers - Page 25

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          valuation factors.  The five factors set forth in section                   
          2032A(e)(8) are:  (1)  The capitalization of income which the               
          property can be expected to yield for farming purposes; (2) the             
          capitalization of the fair rental value of the land for farmland;           
          (3) the assessed land value for ad valorem real estate tax                  
          purposes; (4) the sale price of comparable parcels of farmland in           
          the geographic area; and (5) any other factor which fairly values           
          the farmland.                                                               
               Valuation under the five factor method of section                      
          2032A(e)(8) is required under certain circumstances.  If rents              
          for comparable property are not available, then petitioner must             
          use section 2032A(e)(8) to value the property.  See sec.                    
          20.2032A-4(a), Estate Tax Regs.                                             
          II. Comparable Land                                                         
               Petitioner asserts that the five estate tracts and the five            
          leased tracts are "comparable land".  Respondent contends that              
          the five estate tracts and the five leased tracts are physically            
          comparable as to land only and that the five estate tracts and              
          the five leased tracts are not comparable in any manner in regard           
          to timber volumes, timber quality, and timber quantity, and to              
          rental values.                                                              
               In order to use section 2032A(e)(7), the estate must                   
          identify "comparable land".  The Oxford English Dictionary                  
          (1993), the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011