Victor I. Rosenberg and Deborah I. Rosenberg - Page 2

                                        - 2 -                                         
                    Addition to tax                                                   
                    Year      Deficiency          Sec. 6651                           
                    1989      $67,419             $17,586                             
                    1990      16,501              7,409                               
                    1991      16,765              6,947                               
                    1992      14,961              None                                
               Petitioners formed Cabana Boy Productions, Inc. (Cabana                
          Boy), a subchapter C corporation.  Cabana Boy tried                         
          unsuccessfully to produce a movie.  Petitioners contend that they           
          advanced to or paid on behalf of Cabana Boy $2,111,701.20 (the              
          advances or claimed advances).1                                             
               Following concessions, the issues for decision are:                    
               1.   Whether petitioners’ advances to Cabana Boy were loans,           
          as petitioners contend, or equity, as respondent contends.  We              
          hold that they were equity and therefore are not deductible as              
          bad debts under section 166.                                                
               2.   Whether petitioners may disregard Cabana Boy’s C                  
          corporation status and deduct the advances as if Cabana Boy had             
          been organized as an S corporation and used the advances to pay             
          ordinary and necessary expenses.  We hold that they may not.                
               3.   Whether petitioners’ advances to Cabana Boy were made             
          to produce or collect income or for the management, conservation,           
          or maintenance of property held to produce income and are thus              
          deductible under section 212.  We hold that they are not.                   

               1  Respondent contends that petitioners did not advance or             
          pay that amount to or on behalf of Cabana Boy.  Based on our                
          resolution of the issues in dispute, we need not decide whether             
          the amount petitioners claim is correct.                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011