Sherwin-Williams Company Employee Health Plan Trust - Page 23

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          determined under section 419A, but also the amount of assets set            
          aside by the Trust, be reduced by the amount of the reserve for             
          post-retirement medical benefits described in section                       
               The parties agree that (1) the Trust’s respective account              
          limits, determined under section 419A(c), were $64,615,936 and              
          $84,192,933 for 1991 and 1992; (2) those account limits for those           
          years included $53,313,236 and $71,602,395, respectively, attrib-           
          utable to a reserve for post-retirement medical benefits; (3) the           
          amounts of assets that the Trust set aside (i.e., the total asset           
          balances reported by the Trust in Forms 990) for 1991 and 1992              
          were $41,975,366 and $45,637,659, respectively; and (4) (a) for             
          1991 $7,342,383 and $34,632,983 of the amount of assets so set              
          aside were allocable to (i) incurred but unpaid health benefit              
          claims and reasonable costs directly connected with such claims             
          and (ii) the reserve for post-retirement medical benefits,                  
          respectively, and (b) for 1992 $6,824,833 and $38,812,826 of the            
          amount of assets so set aside were allocable to (i) incurred but            
          unpaid health benefit claims and reasonable costs directly                  
          connected with such claims and (ii) the reserve for post-retire-            
          ment medical benefits, respectively.  If the limitation pre-                
          scribed by section 512(a)(3)(E)(i) were to be calculated in the             
          manner advocated by the Trustee, the amount of assets set aside             
          by the Trust as of the close of each year at issue would not                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011