Sherwin-Williams Company Employee Health Plan Trust - Page 25

                                       - 25 -                                         
               We find the Trustee’s interpretation of section                        
          512(a)(3)(E)(i) (viz., the parenthetical phrase “(not taking into           
          account any reserve described in section 419A(c)(2)(A) for post-            
          retirement medical benefits)” modifies both “an amount of assets            
          set aside” and “the account limit determined under section 419A”            
          referred to in section 512(a)(3)(E)(i)) to be a strained and                
          unreasonable interpretation.  We reject that interpretation.  We            
          conclude that the parenthetical phrase appearing at the end of              
          section 512(a)(3)(E)(i), as reasonably and properly construed,              
          modifies only “the account limit determined under section 419(A)”           
          referred to in section 512(a)(3)(E)(i).  Our construction is                
          supported by the temporary regulations under section                        
              Section 1.512(a)-5T, Q&A-3(a), Temporary Income Tax Regs.,             
          51 Fed. Reg. 4332 (Feb. 4, 1986), as amended by 51 Fed. Reg.                
          11303 (Apr. 2, 1986) (Q&A-3(a)), provides in pertinent part:                
                    Q-3:  What amount of income may a VEBA, SUB or                    
               GLSO set aside for exempt purposes?                                    
                    A-3:  (a) Pursuant to section 512(a)(3)(E)(i), the                
               amounts set aside in a VEBA, SUB, or GLSO (including a                 
               VEBA, SUB, or GLSO that is part of a 10 or more em-                    
               ployer plan, as defined in section 419A(f)(6)(B)) as of                
               the close of a taxable year of such VEBA, SUB, or GLSO                 
               to provide for the payment of life, sick, accident, or                 
               other benefits may not be taken into account for pur-                  
               poses of determining “exempt function income” to the                   
               extent that such amounts exceed the qualified asset                    
               account limit, determined under sections 419A(c) and                   
               419A(f)(7), for such taxable year of the VEBA, SUB, or                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011