- 17 - retained interests at zero unless they take an easily valued form--as an annuity or unitrust interest. By doing so, the bill draws upon present law rules valuing split interests in property for purposes of the charitable deduction. [136 Cong. Rec. 30538-30539 (1990).] The legislative record then goes on to explain the statute’s intended operation: The bill requires that the value of a remainder interest be determined by subtracting the value of the income interest from the value of the entire property. The bill provides that the value of an interest retained by the transferor or an applicable family member is zero unless such interest is a “qualified interest”. A qualified interest is (1) a right to receive fixed amounts payable at least annually, (2) a right to receive amounts payable at least annually which are a fixed percentage of the trust’s assets (determined annually), or (3) a non-contingent remainder interest if all the other interests in the trust are qualified payments.30 A qualified interest generally would be valued under present law, e.g., by reference to section 7520. Thus, a person who makes a completed transfer of nonresidential property in trust and retains (1) the right to the income of the trust for a term of years and (2) a reversionary right (or a testamentary general power of appointment) with respect to trust corpus is treated as making a transfer equal to the value of the whole property. * * * In contrast, the creation of a trust the only interests in which are an annuity for a term of years and a noncontingent remainder interest is valued under present law. _______________ 30 These interests are similar to those permitted in charitable split-interest trusts under Section 664. Id. at 30540 & n.30. Based on these statements, it is clear that the principal objective of section 2702 was to prevent undervaluation of giftedPage: Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011