Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 36

                                       - 123 -                                         
          Application of Funds:                                                        
          Business deduction--Schedule C                      250                      
          NCNB CD #4006814                                  5,543                      
          Cash at home                                     30,000                      
          Jewelry                                         100,000                      
          Corvette (1978)                                   6,360                      
          Legal fees                                       13,500                      
          Investigative fees (Dennis Dayle)                 17,000                     
          Room and board for                                                           
          Janie Johnson and children                      16,000                       
          Gift to Larry and Ronnie (Glendale Federal)      43,101                      
          Gifts to Larry                                  1, 243,404                   
          Gifts to Ronnie                                 1, 360,223                   
          Gifts to Sylvia                                 1, 462,546                   
          Less duplications re Johnson limo              1(46,490)                     
          Personal living expenses for 2 persons             128,836                   
          Less: Housing costs               1$4,930                                    
          Vehicle acquisition costs    1 2,026      (6,956)                            
          Total application of funds                    353,317                        
          Excess of applications over sources of funds     $291,435                    
               1Petitioners do not agree with the amounts reflected for                
          these items.                                                                 
               2Appendix I (Larry) shows $41,404.  See therein (Larry) for             
          an explanation of the difference.                                            
               3Appendix I (Ronnie) shows $60,923.  See therein (Ronnie)               
          for an explanation of the difference.                                        
               4Appendix I (Sylvia) shows $60,546.  See therein (Sylvia)               
          for an explanation of the difference.                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011