Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 37

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                                      Appendix B                                       
                           SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS                             
                           LARRY, RONNIE, & SYLVIA JOHNSON                             
                                    Larry Johnson                                      
          Source of Funds:                                                             
          Schedule C gross receipts                       $20,160                      
          Gambling income                                  25,000                      
          Interest income                                     392                      
          First Union Bank accounts (estimated balance)     3,000                      
          Total source of funds                          48,552                        
          Application of Funds:                                                        
          Schedule C expenditures                                                      
          (less interest & depreciation)                  12,428                       
          First Union Bank accounts (estimated balance)     6,000                      
          U.S Savings Bonds purchases                       7,200                      
          Callahan Property payments                        2,400                      
          Allendale Property payments                       1,125                      
          Mercedes purchase                                34,800                      
          Personal living expenses for 4 persons             124,959                   
          Less: Housing costs                1$4,191                                   
          Vehicle acquisition costs        11,852       (6,043)                        
          Total application of funds                     82,869                        
          Excess of applications over sources of funds      $34,317                    
               1Petitioners do not agree with the amounts reflected for                
          these items.                                                                 
                                    Ronnie Johnson                                     
          Source of Funds:                                     -0-                     
          Application of Funds:                                                        
          Porsche (1983) purchase                         $25,200                      
          Personal living expenses for 1 person             111,469                    
          Less: Housing costs and                                                      
          Vehicle acquisition costs                    1(723)                          
          Total application of funds                     35,946                        
          Excess of applications over sources of funds      $35,946                    
               1Petitioners do not agree with the amounts reflected for                
          these items.                                                                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011