- 166 - 1988 Source of Funds: Schedule C gross receipts $25,785 Barnett Bank saving account 2,091 Trade in for Porsche 14,000 Florida National Bank loan 40,129 Sale of Ford truck (1979) 500 Total source of funds 82,505 Application of Funds: Schedule C deductions 11,781 Barnett Bank savings 3,197 Port Orange Property seller mortgage (less $6,117 claimed on Schedule C) 10,002 Port Orange Property renovations 1,750 Legal fees 1,000 Ford truck (1986) 10,563 Ferrari GTS 328 (1987) 73,129 Note payments 4,585 Estimated tax payments (1988) 1,500 Tax payments (1987) 5,216 Personal living expenses for 2 persons 16,516 Total application of funds 139,239 Excess of applications over sources of funds $56,734Page: Previous 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011