Marie Key and David Glen Key - Page 3

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          a “credit repair” program.  The Ultimate Comeback offered three             
          “phases” for the marketing and sale of the Credit Maze.                     
               The Ultimate Comeback’s orientation guide states that in               
          order to be a member in phase I an interested party paid $1,250             
          plus a $50 administrative fee for a copy of the Credit Maze                 
          product.  The broker2 for the phase I member received 90 percent            
          of the $1,250 payment.                                                      
               The Ultimate Comeback’s orientation guide states that in               
          order to be a member in phase II, an interested party paid $6,250           
          plus a $75 administrative fee for a seminar related to the Credit           
          Maze.  The broker3 for the phase II member received 90 percent of           
          the $6,250 payment.                                                         
               The Ultimate Comeback’s orientation guide states that in               
          order to be a member in phase III, an interested party paid                 
          $31,250 for a financial education seminar in Hawaii.  The broker4           
          for the phase III member received 90 percent of the $31,250                 
               Not all new phase I, II, and III members paid the amounts              
          listed in the orientation guide.  Everyone who transferred from             

               2  In order to be a phase I broker, a member had to recruit            
          six additional phase I members.                                             
               3  In order to be a phase II broker, a member had to recruit           
          six additional phase II members.                                            
               4  In order to be a phase III broker, a member had to                  
          recruit two additional phase III members.                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011