Laborers' International Union of North America - Page 3

                                        - 3 -                                         
          a separate, autonomous division of petitioner with many                     
          affiliated local unions.  Unlike other formerly independent                 
          national unions that have become subordinate bodies of                      
          petitioner, the national identity of Mail Handlers was retained.            
          Mail Handlers and its affiliated local unions were not integrated           
          into petitioner’s organizational structure.                                 
               Mail Handlers has two categories of members, regular and               
          associate members.  Upon payment of a fee to Mail Handlers,                 
          associate members are entitled to participate in Mail Handlers’             
          health plan.  The primary reason that individuals become Mail               
          Handlers’ associate members is to participate in its health plan.           
          The associate members of Mail Handlers are not members of,                  
          associates of, or otherwise affiliated with petitioner.  Mail               
          Handlers’ associate members are not entitled to any right,                  
          privilege, or benefit from petitioner.  In the subject years,               
          petitioner did not provide any benefit or service to Mail                   
          Handlers’ associate members.                                                
               Mail Handlers collects dues from its associate members                 
          through a national uniform billing program.  Mail Handlers                  
          retains part of those dues and remits the rest to local unions.             
               For all years in issue, petitioner did not itself operate,             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011