- 6 - Pasture Almond Livestock Year Rent Sales Sales 1990 -0- -0- -0- 1991 $2,692 -0- -0- 1992 5,620 -0- -0- 1993 12,076 -0- -0- 1994 -0- $2,363 $2,021 1995 -0- -0- 185 Petitioner sought and received advice from various advisers and agricultural experts. One such adviser was Jose Collado (Collado), a certified public accountant licensed to practice in the State of California. Before providing accounting services for petitioner, Collado had provided accounting services to almond farmers and cattle ranchers located near the Omega farm activity. Aside from providing accounting services to Omega, Collado regularly advised petitioner to make improvements to Omega’s existing farm activity and to consider alternative farming methods in order to lower expenses and increase income. Petitioner was advised to increase the size of Omega’s herd, replace dead or unproductive almond trees, and improve irrigation. In addition to the advice Omega received from Collado, Omega’s bookkeeper arranged meetings with various agricultural experts with whom petitioner would discuss changes to Omega’s existing farm activity and/or alternative farming techniques suitable to Omega’s particular terrain and climate. Petitioner attended a 1-day olive grower’s convention where he sought advicePage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011