- 13 - Aleks applied the remaining $1,000 to cover the cost of life preservers, ropes, a boat cover, and an anchor that petitioner had purchased for the boat. During 1991, petitioner paid $299.72 to Chet Aleks for additional boat accessories. In May 1989, petitioner and his parents organized a corporation known as Joe's Laundromat, Inc. (Joe's), to operate a laundromat at the Babcock building. Joe's paid rent to petitioner at the rate of $1,250 per month. Petitioner was the manager of the corporation, petitioner's father served as president, and petitioner's mother served as secretary/treasurer. In 1991, petitioner became president of the corporation. Petitioner kept the books and records of the corporation. Petitioner made loans to Joe's. As of December 31, 1989, 1990, and 1991, Joe's owed petitioner $30,637.90, $25,331.81, and $13,726.23, respectively, on those loans. Petitioner took many pleasure trips and stayed at various hotels and motels during 1990 and 1991. During 1990, petitioner booked round-trip air transportation through Travel Planners International, Inc. (Travel Planners), from Pittsburgh to: Amsterdam, Holland; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Memphis, Tennessee; Rapid City, South Dakota; New Orleans, Louisiana; and two trips to Fort Myers, Florida. During 1990, petitioner paid $2,885 to Travel Planners for the aforementioned trips. During 1990, petitioner paid $479.60 in cash to Sea Chateau,Page: Previous 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011