- 8 - Respondent alleges that petitioners are claiming a loss of $920,000, which is the value placed by petitioners on the labor contributed by Mr. Tonn over the years prior to 1987 for developing the on-farm energy systems. In response to this specific allegation, petitioners state that “the value was not placed by Petitioners. The value was determined by Russell Associates Appraisal of Alternative Energy equipment”.5 In an exhibit attached to respondent’s motion, Mr. Tonn states that he “suffered a loss of approximately $920,000” as a result of the March 1987 collection activities. Respondent also presented a document obtained through informal discovery in which respondent posed the following question: “Please state the total amount of loss you suffered from the March 27, 1987 seizure”. Petitioners responded that a “Loss of alternative energy equipment and appraisal was left with Eric Johnson District Council at 1-5-01 4(...continued) offset their gross income for the years in issue with a claimed loss; thus, we find it unnecessary to address it. 5Respondent posed the following question to petitioners during informal discovery: 3) Please provide a calculation of your basis in the on-farm energy plant, i.e., your costs and efforts involved in creating the on-farm energy plant, prior to the sale to Laurington Corporation and any substantiating documentation. In response, petitioners stated that “Russell Associates Appraisal was left with Eric Johnson of the IRS District Council’s Office during the January 5, 2001 meeting.”Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011