- 4 - petitioner’s gross recovery. They were to receive one-third in the event that an agreement was reached before trial. If a trial commenced, the fee increased to 40 percent. Settlement offers had to be discussed with petitioner, and an offer could not be accepted or rejected without his approval. Merten & Associates had an attorney’s statutory lien and a possessory lien on petitioner’s property in its possession. Additionally, Fee Agreement I provided that if petitioner (1) breached the agreement, (2) did not cooperate, (3) unreasonably rejected a settlement offer, or (4) insisted on pursuing a claim contrary to the attorney’s advice, the law firm could terminate its services and would be entitled to payment at an hourly rate for services rendered to date, plus costs. Petitioner could fire Merten & Associates, at any time, which would entitle it to a minimum payment of an hourly rate for their services. Fee Agreement I did not provide legal fees for the pursuit or defense of an appeal. Having hired attorneys, petitioner filed a complaint in the Multnomah County Circuit Court for the State of Oregon on December 12, 1989. Altogether, petitioner filed four amended complaints, the last of which was filed on March 11, 1991. Petitioner’s complaints, as amended, contained two claims for relief. The first was against MBL for intentional interference with contract and economic expectations. The secondPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011