Michael T. Caracci and Cindy W. Caracci, et al. - Page 70

                                       - 70 -                                         
                    (e) Applicable Tax-Exempt Organization.--For                      
               purposes of this subchapter, the term “applicable tax-                 
               exempt organization” means--                                           
                         (1) any organization which (without                          
                    regard to any excess benefit) would be                            
                    described in paragraph (3) or (4) of section                      
                    501(c) and exempt from tax under section                          
                    501(a), and                                                       
                         (2) any organization which was described                     
                    in paragraph (1) at any time during the 5-                        
                    year period ending on the date of the                             
               Such term shall not include a private foundation (as                   
               defined in section 509(a)).                                            
                    (f) Other Definitions.--For purposes of this                      
                         (1) Disqualified person.--The term                           
                    “disqualified person” means, with respect to                      
                    any transaction--                                                 
                              (A) any person who was, at any                          
                         time during the 5-year period                                
                         ending on the date of such                                   
                         transaction, in a position to                                
                         exercise substantial influence over                          
                         the affairs of the organization,                             
                              (B) a member of the family of                           
                         an individual described in                                   
                         subparagraph (A), and                                        
                              (C) a 35-percent controlled                             
                         (2) Organization manager.--The term                          
                    “organization manager” means, with respect to                     
                    any applicable tax-exempt organization, any                       
                    officer, director, or trustee of such                             
                    organization (or any individual having powers                     
                    or responsibilities similar to those of                           
                    officers, directors, or trustees of the                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011