Sam Ervin and Ella M. Ervin, et al. - Page 3

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                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                    
               Some of the facts have been stipulated and are so found.               
          A.   Petitioners                                                            
               1.   Ella M. Ervin and Sam Ervin                                       
               Ervin and her husband, Sam Ervin, resided in Mobile,                   
          Alabama, when they filed their petition.                                    
               Lee Padgett (Padgett) was United’s agent who sold a health             
          insurance policy to Ervin for her daughter.  Ervin told Padgett             
          that Ervin’s daughter had lupus.  Padgett told Ervin that her               
          daughter’s condition would not preclude coverage.  United later             
          denied medical claims that Ervin filed for her daughter on the              
          grounds that her daughter had lupus before Ervin bought the                 
          insurance.  Ervin and her husband filed a joint Federal income              
          tax return for 1994.                                                        
               2.   Alfred Hudson                                                     
               Hudson, a truck driver, resided in Eight Mile, Alabama, when           
          he filed his petition.  He bought hospitalization insurance from            
          United through Padgett.  He had surgery and incurred medical                
          bills totaling about $6,000.  United did not pay any of those               
          bills.  Hudson subsequently filed for bankruptcy protection.                
          Hudson did not file a 1994 Federal income tax return.                       
               3.   Hawthorne Echols and Vivian H. Echols                             
               Echols and Hawthorne Echols were married and resided in                
          Mobile, Alabama, when they filed their petition.  She bought life           
          insurance and medical insurance from United through Padgett                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011