Framatome Connectors USA, Inc. - Page 7

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          subsidiaries continued to manufacture electrical and electronic             
               Burndy-US’s sales were $300 to $350 million per year in the            
          years in issue.                                                             
               3.   Furukawa and Sumitomo                                             
               During the years in issue, Sumitomo Electric Industries,               
          Ltd. (Sumitomo), and Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. (Furukawa),                
          manufactured electrical wires, cables, and connectors for                   
          Japanese electric utility companies.  They competed against each            
          other.  They were among the largest cable manufacturers in Japan.           
          Sumitomo had annual sales of $5 to $8 billion in the years in               
          issue.  Furukawa’s sales were slightly less.                                
          B.   Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry                  
               Japan restricted the entry of foreign-controlled companies             
          into Japan after World War II.  The Foreign Investment Law (Law             
          No. 163 of 1950) and the Foreign Exchange Control Law (Law No.              
          228 of 1948) ensured that Japanese interests retained a majority            
          interest in jointly owned companies.  The Japanese Government               
          began to relax these restrictions in 1964.  In 1971, foreign                
          investors could own 50 percent of Japanese companies in most                
          industries, and 100 percent in many industries.  By 1973, foreign           
          investors could own 100 percent of Japanese companies in most               
          industries.  The Japanese Ministry of International Trade and               
          Industry (MITI) had responsibility for controlling foreign                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011