Estate of Frances C. Glover, a.k.a. Frances C. Cloud, Deceased, Kevin Holleran and Wilmington Trust Co., Administrators Pro Tem - Page 44

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          Burch, 586 A.2d 986, 987 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1991)).  We are of the             
          opinion that a Pennsylvania court would uphold the estate’s payment         
          for Mr. Glover’s services if there is sufficient evidence to                
          conclude that the payment was fair and reasonable even though Mr.           
          Glover was a beneficiary of the estate.  See, e.g., Estate of Getz,         
          618 A.2d 456, 460-462 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1992); In re Estate of                
          Vaughn, supra at 1320.                                                      
               The services rendered by Mr. Glover and his attorneys resulted         
          in the recovery of a significant sum for the estate.  Consequently,         
          we find it is proper for the administrators pro tem. to pay from            
          estate funds the fees for services rendered before the Orphans’             
          Court removed Ms. Hurley as executrix and appointed the                     
          administrators pro tem.  See, e.g., Estate of Bruner, 691 A.2d 530,         
          535 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1997); In re Estate of Vaughn, supra.  Indeed,          
          respondent acknowledges that the amount incurred for services               
          rendered before that time by Mr. Glover’s attorneys is $91,192.             
               A beneficiary who seeks compensation has the burden of                 
          demonstrating that the amount requested is just and reasonable.  In         
          re Estate of Salus, 617 A.2d 737, 742-743 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1992);            
          Estate of Phillips, supra.  The Orphan’s Court can fashion an award         
          of just and reasonable compensation provided there is evidence of           
          the services provided.  But when the compensation awarded is                
          without support in the record, the award cannot stand.  In re Reed          
          Estate, 341 A.2d 108 (Pa. 1975).                                            

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