Christine M. Hackl - Page 4

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          which he sold to the company’s employee stock ownership plan.  He           
          then remained as chairman of the board of directors until 1998.             
          Initiation of Tree Farm Investment                                          
               In the mid-1990s, in anticipation of the sale of his Herff             
          Jones stock, A.J. Hackl began to research ways to diversify his             
          financial net worth into investments other than publicly traded             
          U.S. marketable securities, of which he had already accumulated a           
          substantial portfolio.  He concluded that an investment in real             
          estate would achieve his objective of diversification and, after            
          consideration of a wide range of real estate ventures, decided              
          that tree farming presented an attractive business opportunity              
          which would both include the acquisition of significant parcels             
          of real estate and also fulfill his interest of remaining                   
          personally active in business.                                              
               Since his other investments were generating a considerable             
          amount of current income, A.J. Hackl’s investment goal with                 
          respect to his tree farming business was long-term growth.  He              
          therefore chose to purchase land for use in the tree farming                
          business with little or no existing merchantable timber because             
          such land was significantly cheaper, and would provide a greater            
          long-term return on investment, than land with a substantial                
          quantity of merchantable timber.                                            
               In 1995, A.J. Hackl purchased two tree farms:  (1) A 3,813.8           
          acre tract in Putnam County, Florida (Putnam County Farm) and (2)           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011