Steven K. Han - Page 18

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          increased deficiencies asserted in the amendment to answer to the           
          amended petition to the extent sustained herein.                            
          Addition to Tax for Substantial Understatement of Income Tax                
               In the notice of deficiency, respondent determined that                
          petitioner is liable for the addition to tax under section 6661             
          for 1988 because he substantially understated his income tax.  In           
          the amendment to answer to amendment to petition, respondent                
          asserts that petitioner is liable for the addition to tax for               
          substantial understatement of income for the issues raised in the           
          amendment to answer.  Petitioner has the burden of proof as to              
          the issues raised in the notice of deficiency, and respondent has           
          the burden of proof for the new matter and increased deficiency             
          asserted in the amendment to answer.  Rule 142(a).                          
               Section 6661(a) imposes an addition to tax equal to 25                 
          percent of the underpayment attributable to an understatement               
          where there is a substantial understatement of income tax.  An              
          understatement is substantial if it exceeds the greater of 10               
          percent of the tax required to be shown or $5,000.  Sec.                    
          6661(b)(1)(A).  An “understatement” is defined as the excess of             
          the tax required to be shown on the return over the tax actually            
          shown on the return.  The amount of the understatement is reduced           
          for section 6661 purposes by the portion of the understatement              
          which is attributable to the taxpayer’s treatment of an item if             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011