Steven K. Han - Page 98

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          to him pursuant to section 61(a); in the absence of better proof            
          by respondent, we decline to do so and hold that the taxation of            
          the amounts at issue is governed by section 301(c).                         
               Under section 301, the distribution is treated as a dividend           
          if it meets the requirements of section 316.  Under section                 
          316(a), dividends are taxable to the shareholder as ordinary                
          income to the extent of the earnings and profits of the                     
          corporation, and any amount received by the shareholder in excess           
          of earnings and profits is considered a nontaxable return of                
          capital to the extent of the shareholder’s basis in his stock.              
          Any amount received in excess of both the earnings and profits of           
          the corporation and the shareholder’s basis in his stock is                 
          treated as gain from the sale or exchange of property.                      
               Respondent concedes that IL NA Tours had no current or                 
          accumulated earnings and profits.  Petitioner had no basis in his           
          IL NA Tours stock.50   Accordingly, the $352,752 that we have               

               50 IL NA Tours’ 1988 return lists capital stock on its                 
          balance sheet of $10,000, although petitioner testified that he             
          only lent money to his corporations.  Even if petitioner                    
          contributed $10,000 to IL NA Tours, we are satisfied that                   
          petitioner had no basis in his IL NA Tours’ stock.  We have found           
          that petitioner took an additional $85,688 from IL NA Tours                 
          during 1988 that was not included in the amount that respondent             
          has pled as unreported income, and petitioner reported salary               
          income of only $37,500 on his 1988 return.  Thus there were                 
          diversions from IL NA Tours in 1988 that exceeded any possible              
          basis petitioner had in the stock of the corporation.                       

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