Steven K. Han - Page 93

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          unreported income in that amount as a result of diversions from             
          his corporations.                                                           
               The amounts we conclude petitioner diverted from his                   
          corporations to personal use in 1988 are:                                   
          Description             Amount                                              
          Kodak stock proceeds         $3,280                                         
          Pan Am stock proceeds       116,600                                         
          Sam Han account             232,872                                         
          Total                     352,752                                           
          The question remains whether the amounts we have concluded are              
          unreported income of petitioner are taxable as ordinary income              
          under section 61(a) or as constructive dividends under section              
          301(c).  Respondent, relying principally on Leaf v. Commissioner,           
          33 T.C. at 1095, contends that the amounts are taxable under                
          section 61(a) because they were wrongfully appropriated in a                
          fraud upon a third party dealing with the corporation.                      
          Petitioner, citing our opinion in Truesdell v. Commissioner, 89             
          T.C. 1280 (1987), contends that section 301(c) governs the                  
          taxation of any amounts that we conclude were transferred from IL           
          NA Tours to him.  For the reasons outlined below, we agree with             
               In Leaf, we held that amounts that had been taken by a                 
          shareholder from his wholly owned corporation for his own use               
          (and not returned within the year of the taking) at a time when             

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