Steven K. Han - Page 87

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          between actual repayment and the giving of a promissory note,               
          holding the latter insufficient to prevent wrongfully taken funds           
          from being taxed to the taker.  Quinn v. Commissioner, 524 F.2d             
          617 (7th Cir. 1975), affg. 62 T.C. 223 (1974).  Nonetheless, we             
          are satisfied that petitioner’s transfer of funds to the ANB                
          accounts and the subjection of the Sam Han account to the TRO               
          constitute repayments for purposes of the exception.  These                 
          amounts were “returned to the corporation or its creditors”                 
          because petitioner lost control of the funds to a third-party               
          custodian who held them as security for a creditor’s claim                  
          against his corporations.                                                   
               We now apply our findings concerning petitioner’s exercise             
          of dominion and control by mid-1988 over, and his return before             
          yearend of a portion of, the funds at issue in this case.                   
               The $986,856 at issue is best understood as comprising (1)             
          the $536,856 “net” proceeds petitioner retained after the                   
          multiple transfers in early 1988 between the corporate Albank No.           
          1 account and his personal FCIS account, and (2) the $450,000 in            
          cash transferred from corporate accounts to the Sam Han account.            
               The $536,856 “net” proceeds are traceable to the Kodak stock           
          and the Pan Am stock, purchased with $448,878 and $116,600 of               
          corporate funds, respectively.45                                            
               45 The total amount used to purchase these two blocks of               

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