Steven K. Han - Page 83

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          Starting almost immediately after its execution, petitioner                 
          vigorously challenged the validity of the Guaranty.                         
               Respondent also attempts to demonstrate that the funds in              
          the ANB accounts were used to satisfy petitioner’s personal                 
          liabilities, and therefore remained under his personal dominion             
          and control, by emphasizing that Northwest had asserted claims of           
          fraudulent conversion and unjust enrichment against petitioner              
          personally.  Since Northwest had asserted claims against                    
          petitioner personally, respondent’s argument goes, use of the               
          funds in the custodial accounts to settle the Northwest                     
          litigation satisfied petitioner’s personal liabilities.                     
          Respondent in effect attempts to negate any significance of the             
          transfer of the funds to custodial control by arguing that                  
          petitioner incurred personal liability by virtue of taking funds            
          from his corporation that were owed to the corporation’s                    
          creditor, so that when the funds were paid over to the creditor,            
          the liabilities extinguished were those of petitioner rather than           
          the corporation.  In the circumstances of this case, we think the           
          argument is specious.  Any controlling shareholder who takes                
          funds from his corporation when it is insolvent will likely have            
          exposure to a claim of fraudulent conversion, unjust enrichment,            
          or similar charges from the corporation’s creditors.  If, as                
          respondent argues, this factor means that the return of funds to            

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