Steven K. Han - Page 74

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          after this correspondence.38   The transfers made to the ANB                
          accounts after Northwest obtained the TRO do not reflect                    
          petitioner’s agency; they were involuntary.                                 
               Petitioner’s claim that he used the funds at issue on behalf           
          of IL NA Tours, i.e., “to keep it in business”, is contradicted             
          by the objective evidence in the record.  As late as April 1988,            
          Northwest remained willing to do business with petitioner and his           
          corporations, providing them with substantial ticket stock for              
          resale pursuant to the terms of the Interim Agreement,                      
          notwithstanding that they had acknowledged selling Northwest’s              
          tickets and failing to remit proceeds in an amount exceeding $8             
          million.  (Presumably, Northwest made the business calculation              
          that its chances of ever seeing its money were better if                    
          petitioner’s corporations were allowed to continue operations.)             
          However, what Northwest perceived as petitioner’s unrelenting               
          efforts to hide the missing funds from Northwest’s auditors--that           
          is, his refusal to cooperate in providing the information he had            
          agreed to provide in the Interim Agreement, even when both sides            
          acknowledged that ticket proceeds exceeding $8 million had not              
          been remitted--ultimately prompted Northwest to file suit and               

               38 An additional $137,128 of the funds that the record                 
          establishes were taken from the IL NA Tours’ account and placed             
          in the Sam Han account was not revealed and made subject to the             
          TRO until Oct. 14, 1988.                                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011