Steven K. Han - Page 86

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          testified in this proceeding that petitioner’s attorney’s actions           
          with respect to the ANB accounts were at all times consistent               
          with his custodial function.                                                
               Second, the cases that have considered the exception for the           
          repayment of taken funds within the same taxable year have                  
          countenanced a range of circumstances as constituting repayment             
          or return.  In Leaf v. Commissioner, supra, the sole shareholder-           
          taxpayer had taken funds from his insolvent corporation.  After             
          the corporation’s creditors filed an involuntary bankruptcy                 
          petition against it and within the same year as the taking, the             
          taxpayer “repaid to * * * [the corporation] or its creditors” a             
          portion of the funds.  Id. at 1095.  We held the shareholder was            
          taxable only on the funds “not returned to the corporation or its           
          creditors” in the year of the taking.  Id. at 1096; see also Mais           
          v. Commissioner, 51 T.C. 494, 499 (1968) (dicta) (portion of                
          embezzled funds turned over in year of embezzlement to third                
          party to be held for victim not taxable); Stovall v.                        
          Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1983-450 (shareholder’s diversions from            
          corporation not taxable to extent used in year of diversion to              
          purchase certificates of deposit in corporation’s name).  We are            
          mindful that the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, to               
          which an appeal in this case would ordinarily lie, has for                  
          purposes of the same-year repayment exception distinguished                 

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