Steven K. Han - Page 97

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          further support in the fact that the record strongly suggests,              
          and respondent has certainly failed to show otherwise, that the             
          amounts in issue were previously subject to tax at the corporate            
          level.  IL NA Tours reported gross receipts exceeding $34 million           
          on its 1987 return.  Respondent concedes that the losses in                 
          excess of $6 million in the corporate investment accounts                   
          occasioned by the 1987 stock market crash were reported on that             
          return.  IL NA Tours reported gross receipts exceeding $9 million           
          on its 1988 return, a dropoff that is consistent with the                   
          disruption in its sale of Northwest tickets in that year.  These            
          gross receipts figures suggest that the Northwest ticket sales              
          that were the source of petitioner’s diversions were reported at            
          the corporate level.                                                        
               In Truesdell, we quoted with approval the following                    
          observation of the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit:  “We            
          believe that the only way that the diverted income already taxed            
          to the corporation can be taxed to the individual taxpayers is by           
          the treatment of such diversions as dividends and corporate                 
          distributions.”  Truesdell v. Commissioner, 89 T.C. at 1299                 
          (quoting Simon v. Commissioner, 248 F.2d 869, 876-877 (8th Cir.             
          1957)).  Because the record strongly suggests that the amounts              
          petitioner diverted from his corporations were subject to tax at            
          the corporate level, we are quite reluctant to find them taxable            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011