Thomas R. Hochschild, Sr. - Page 4

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          petitioner’s failure to pay the assessed liabilities, respondent            
          issued a Collection Due Process Notice and a Notice of Intent to            
          Levy and Notice of Your Right to Hearing related to petitioner’s            
          1989, 1990, and 1991 tax years.  On December 28, 1999, petitioner           
          submitted a timely request for a section 6330 hearing.                      
               In a letter that was dated November 16, 1999, and received             
          by respondent on December 17, 1999, petitioner formally requested           
          information pertaining to respondent’s determination under the              
          Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Petitioner’s request was                
          denied due to his refusal or failure to agree to pay for copy               
               In a July 20, 2000, letter, Appeals Officer Carolyn Ratzman            
          proposed an August 22, 2000, conference with petitioner and                 
          invited him to reschedule if that date was inconvenient.                    
          Petitioner, in a July 26, 2000, letter, informed Ms. Ratzman that           
          he had not requested a conference and explained that he would not           
          be able to attend a conference due to his disability.  Petitioner           
          further explained that he was attempting to obtain information              
          under the FOIA concerning respondent’s determination of his                 
               In an August 25, 2000, letter, responding to petitioner’s              
          July 26, 2000, letter, Ms. Ratzman offered petitioner a                     
          conference by telephone.  In that same letter, Ms. Ratzman also             
          informed petitioner that his request for information under the              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011