Ronald J. Lutz, Jr. and Paula M. Lutz - Page 14

                                       - 14 -                                         
               As previously discussed, the notice of deficiency is based             
          on respondent’s determination that petitioners had unreported               
          slot machine winnings from the Casinos Magic and a lesser amount            
          of winnings from the Boomtown Casino and the Jubilation Casino.             
          The parties have stipulated the amount of gambling losses that              
          petitioners sustained at Boomtown Casino and Jubilation casino.             
          Respondent has conceded the Casinos Magic table games losses as             
          reflected on the THRs.  Accordingly, the essence of the dispute             
          between the parties is whether petitioners have substantiated               
          gambling losses with respect to their slot machine play at the              
          Casinos Magic.                                                              
               Having kept no records of losses on their slot machine play            
          at the Casinos Magic, petitioners rely on two undated letters, on           
          Bay St. Louis Casino Magic letterhead and signed by Tina                    
          Frederiksen in her capacity as “Casino Magic VIP Representative”.           
          These letters state that for 1996 Paula had a net loss of $20,910           
          and Ronald had a net win of $3,350 “in Table Games, Slots, or               
          combined play”.  The letters contain a number of caveats,                   
          however, including that the casino’s tracking system “is designed           
          for marketing purposes only”, that the “information should only             
          be used to support your personal records”, that the casino                  
          “cannot be certain that you used your * * * Player’s Club Card              
          every time you visited us, or used it correctly”, and that “Table           
          Game play is not an exact account of actual play; it is strictly            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011