Drew Allen Rayner - Page 2

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          A.   Petitioner                                                             
               Petitioner was retired and lived in Mississippi when he                
          filed the petition.                                                         
               In 1998, petitioner received $217,331.44 in retirement                 
          distributions and $920.09 in nonemployee compensation.  In 1998,            
          Primerica Life Insurance Co. issued to petitioner three Forms               
          1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, which state that he received               
          $920.09 of taxable nonemployee compensation.  Petitioner also               
          received five Forms 1099-R, Distribution From Pensions,                     
          Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance              
          Contracts, etc., which state that he received in 1998 retirement            
          account distributions totaling $217,331.44, of which $214,756.96            
          is taxable.                                                                 
          B.   Petitioner’s 1998 Income Tax Return                                    
               Petitioner submitted a Form 1040, Individual Income Tax                
          Return, for 1998 on which he reported zero income, $5,629 in                
          income tax withholding, and an overpayment for which he sought a            
          $5,629 refund.  He attached to his Form 1040 a signed statement             
          consisting of two typewritten pages in which he made various                
          arguments denying his duty to file a return and defending his               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011