Alan M. and Marcia F. Schulman - Page 6

                                        - 6 -                                         
               Item of expense                Expense claimed                         
               National standard expenses    $1,453                                   
               Housing/utilities             1,750                                    
          Transportation                     1,030                                    
               Health care                   695                                      
              Taxes (income and FICA)       1,485                                    
               Court-ordered payments        150                                      
          Child/dependent care                                                        
               Life insurance                60                                       
               Secured/legally-perfected debts                                        
               Other expenses                                                         
               Loan payments       910 (685)                                          
               Student loans                                                          
               Total                         7,533                                    
               On June 26, 2001, the settlement officer sent a letter to              
          petitioners, which enclosed a list of the following allowable               
               Item of expense                Expense allowed                         
               National standard expenses    $1,473                                   
               Housing/utilities                  1,214                               
          Transportation                          1,024                               
               Health care                        400                                 
              Taxes (income and FICA)       1,685                                    
               Court-ordered payments        150                                      
          Child/dependent care                                                        
               Life insurance                60                                       
               Secured/legally-perfected debts                                        
               Other expenses                                                         
               Loan payments       0                                                  
               Student loans            210                                           
               Total                              6,216                               

          The letter states:                                                          
               I have received your updated collection information                    
               statement dated 6/20/01 and Mr. Schulmans’ [sic] wage                  
               verification.  Enclosed is a calculation of the                        
               allowable Necessary Living Expenses.                                   
               Note that significant changes were made to the                         
               allowable amounts for health care, taxes and the                       
               student loan repayment is being allowed.  The health                   
               care figure is based on an average monthly premium of                  
               171.00 co-pays averaging 140.00 and the remaining is                   
               for miscellaneous medical supplies or needs.  The                      
               monthly tax figure was adjusted because I believe you                  
               are under-estimating your monthly combined State and                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011