South Tulsa Pathology Laboratory, Inc. - Page 18

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          year of the distribution.  Sec. 1.355-2(d)(5)(ii), Income Tax               
          Regs.  Petitioner claims that the distribution at issue here                
          satisfies these requirements.                                               
               In its opening brief, petitioner concedes, “that the balance           
          sheet for * * * [petitioner] as of June 30, 1993, reflected                 
          current and accumulated earnings and profits of $252,928.64, for            
          both the anatomic and clinical pathology portions of * * *                  
          [petitioner’s] business.”7  Petitioner argues, however, that:               
                    While petitioner concedes that it and Clinpath had                
               some earnings and profits during the periods in                        
               question, these amounts were not meaningful and                        
               certainly do not provide a basis for a “bailout” of                    
               these earnings and profits amounts in order to avoid                   
               dividend treatment to Petitioner’s shareholders.                       
          Respondent disagrees, contending that the presence of any                   
          earnings and profits precludes petitioner from utilizing section            
          1.355-2(d)(5)(ii), Income Tax Regs., and that there is no                   
          credible evidence that petitioner lacked accumulated or current             
          earnings and profits on the distribution date.                              
               We agree with respondent for several reasons.  First,                  
          petitioner reported it had over $230,000 of accumulated earnings            
          and profits as of July 1, 1993, and petitioner did not introduce            
          any evidence to prove that it had no current earnings and profits           
          as of October 30, 1993.  Section 1.355-2(d)(5)(ii)(A) and (B),              

               7Petitioner also reported on its Federal income tax return             
          for the taxable year beginning July 1, 1993, that it had                    
          accumulated earnings and profits of $236,347 as of July 1, 1993.            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011