Walter J. & Virginia L. Ward, et al. - Page 7

                                        - 7 -                                         
               (10) Around 1995, the Wards transferred their interest in              
          the Arctic Building Commercial Partnership to GND;                          
               (11) Around 1995, the Wards transferred their interest in              
          the Arctic Video City Partnership to GND;                                   
               (12) GND paid nothing to acquire the Wards’ interest in the            
          Arctic Building Commercial Partnership and the Arctic Video City            
               (13) Around 1995, the Wards transferred their interest in              
          the office building to WT;                                                  
               (14) WT paid nothing to acquire the office building;                   
               (15) After the aforementioned transfers, the Wards’                    
          relationship to the transferred partnership interests and                   
          properties did not change;                                                  
               (16) The Wards, and not the trusts, are the correct                    
          taxpayers to report the income and expenses of the transferred              
          partnership interests and properties;                                       
               (17) Petitioners did not produce documents summonsed by the            
          revenue agent auditing their 1996 and 1997 returns; and                     
               (18) Although offered an opportunity to do so, petitioners             
          did not meet with respondent’s counsel for the purpose of                   
          preparing this matter for trial.                                            
               Attached to the requests for admissions, among other things,           
          are:  (1) The Wards’ 1995, 1996, and 1997 tax returns; (2) the              
          notices of deficiency; (3) several letters from the Wards to the            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011