Oliver W. and Edna D. Wilson - Page 52

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          petitioners’ reliance on their accountant was reasonable.  We               
          hold, therefore, that petitioners are not liable for section                
          6662(a) accuracy-related penalties for 1992 and 1993 with respect           
          to that part of the underpayments attributable to the disallowed            
          depreciation and Schedules C and E expenses claimed with respect            
          to the 5401-9 S. Broadway property.                                         
               We reach a different conclusion, however, with respect to              
          the 5415 S. Broadway property.  Petitioners presented scant                 
          information regarding their purported rental activity at the 5415           
          S. Broadway property, and they did not attempt to substantiate              
          their Schedule E expenses claimed with respect to that property             
          for 1992 and 1993.  Petitioners have failed to establish that               
          they acted reasonably and in good faith in deducting the Schedule           
          E expenses from that property.  Consequently, we sustain                    
          respondent’s determinations that petitioners are liable for the             
          section 6662(a) accuracy-related penalties for 1992 and 1993 with           
          respect to that part of the underpayments attributable to the               
          disallowed expenses petitioners deducted with respect to the 5415           
          S. Broadway property.  Rule 142(a).                                         
               Petitioners also failed to prove that they acted reasonably            
          and in good faith in deducting on their 1993 return a prior year            
          unallowed passive loss of $1,345.20  Consequently, we sustain               

               20Petitioners did not offer any evidence to explain the                
          source of the prior year passive loss or why they claimed they              

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