The Adorno Asset Management Trust - Page 6

                                        - 6 -                                         
               At this, the THIRD MEETING of the Board of Directors of                
               The Adorno Asset Management Company * * * a MAJORITY of                
               the Directors being present, by unanimous accord the                   
               following was affirmed and ratified, viz:                              
               29. It is hereby acknowledged that on December 14,                     
                    1995, Alicia Gloyeske[7] did resign as a Director                 
                    of The Adorno Asset Management Company, due to                    
                    circumstances beyond her control.                                 
               30. Minute 25[8] defining the incidents of the                         
                    employment of the Executive Director.                             
               The Adorno Asset Management Company hereby retains the                 
               services of Edwin R. Adorno to be the Executive                        
               Director of the Company. The Executive Director shall                  
               be employed as a Consultant and shall be responsible                   
               for reporting his own Social Security and Income taxes.                
               The Directors shall contract the services of the                       
               Executive Director to perform such duties for hire as                  
               the Directors deem to be in the best interest of The                   
               Adorno Asset Management Company. * * *                                 
               BE TO:                                                                 
               A.   Manage the day to day business affairs of The                     
                    Adorno Asset Management Company * * *                             
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               Edwin R. Adorno, Director                                              
          The third minutes do not list the name of a “trustee” for Adorno            
          Asset nor make any reference to a “trustee”.                                

               7  According to Mr. Adorno’s testimony, Alicia Gloyeske (Ms.           
          Gloyeske) is an attorney who set up the trust.  Mr. Adorno,                 
          however, refused to provide additional details about Ms.                    
          Gloyeske’s role as the attorney other than to repeatedly state              
          that “I stand by my stipulations and all the affidavits that are            
               8  Minute 25 is not otherwise identified in, or a part of,             
          the record.                                                                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011