Charles T. McCord, Jr. and Mary S. McCord, Donors - Page 107

                                       - 89 -                                         
          well as the respective assignee percentage interests transferred            
          to petitioners’ children, the trusts, and the Symphony), as set             
          forth in the confirmation agreement, is fixed and may never                 
               The assignment agreement does not contain a valuation                  
          instruction that requires what the majority opinion indicates               
          that agreement requires.  According to the majority opinion, that           
          valuation instruction appears in the following paragraph in the             
          assignment agreement:                                                       
               For purposes of this paragraph [the paragraph                          
               transferring to petitioners’ children, the trusts, the                 
               Symphony, and CFT certain portions of the 82.33369836-                 
               percent assignee interest in MIL that petitioners                      
               transferred under the assignment agreement], the fair                  
               market value of the Assigned Partnership Interest [the                 
               gifted interest consisting of the 82.33369836-percent                  
               assignee interest in MIL] as of the date of this                       
               Assignment Agreement shall be the price at which the                   
               Assigned Partnership Interest would change hands as of                 
               the date of this Assignment Agreement between a                        
               hypothetical willing buyer and a hypothetical willing                  
               seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or                   
               sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant                  
               facts.  Any dispute with respect to the allocation of                  
               the Assigned Partnership Interests among Assignees                     
               shall be resolved by arbitration as provided in the                    
               Partnership Agreement.                                                 
               As can be seen from reading the foregoing paragraph, the               
          purported valuation instruction consists of a paragraph in the              
          assignment agreement which defines the term “fair market value”.            
          Petitioners required the donees to use that definition when they            
          allocated among themselves the respective portions of the gifted            
          interest which petitioners transferred to them under the                    

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