Walter L. Medlin - Page 149

                                       - 74 -                                         
          moved the cattle to another piece of property, which according to           
          his testimony, was only 2 miles from his house.56  Other than the           
          cattle guard, petitioner presented no evidence of any preparation           
          of the property for cattle grazing or that the property was even            
          suitable for grazing.  We cannot agree that petitioner’s                    
          testimony alone establishes a change in his holding purpose to              
          investment.  We hold that petitioner has not established his                
          entitlement to capital gains treatment.                                     

          made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”                                        
               56Petitioner testified in relevant part:                               
               Well, what I had done was I had, in the course of                      
               doing this, I had investigated with him -- I'd known                   
               Mike [Partin] for years -- getting into the cow                        
               business, with just the piece I had.  And then I get                   
               tied up with acquiring this other Hagen piece.                         
                    Meanwhile, I had already started buying cows from                 
               Mike and we had a piece of property nearby that I moved                
               the cows to and put them on.  Well, they, you know,                    
               same thing, you start buying too many cows and they                    
               start having babies and you're trying to keep them all                 
               as best you can and so I ended up kind of with too                     
                    But just about the time I was getting ready to --                 
               I felt like I had enough cows -- to move up to this                    
               piece of property, which was probably ten miles from my                
               house, where the other piece was probably two miles                    
               from my house, that to get enough cows to put up there                 
               on this piece of property, Mr. Maury Carter came along                 
               and made me an offer I couldn't refuse.  And by then I                 
               was probably up to my eyeballs in something else and                   
               was over my head in the cow business -- had more cows                  
               that I could handle.                                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011