Walter L. Medlin - Page 151

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          Freedom.  Petitioner also agreed that if those payments were not            
          made as scheduled, then Freedom could proceed with the                      
          foreclosure.  On October 11, 1985, Freedom filed a motion for               
          final judgment of foreclosure against the property averring that            
          the required payments had not been made in accordance with the              
          parties’ March 26, 1984, stipulation.57  On October 25, 1985,               
          pursuant to the stipulation, the court entered a Final Judgment             
          of Foreclosure.  Pursuant to the judgment, the property was sold            
          and title was conveyed to the purchaser, Freedom, on November 25,           
               In 1983, Freedom filed a separate action in the Circuit                
          Court for Orange County, Florida, Case No. 83-12119 (the judgment           
          case), for judgment against petitioner and two other guarantors             
          of the loan to Cramer, Hoffman & Haber, P.A.  On September 16,              
          1986, Freedom filed a Motion for Final Judgment against                     
          petitioner seeking money judgment for the unpaid balance of the             
          note that he guaranteed.  In a pleading that petitioner filed on            
          October 8, 1986, petitioner represented that the only issue in              
          the judgment case that remained was the value of the property               
          that had been sold pursuant to the prior foreclosure action in              
          Citrus County.  On December 22, 1986, the Circuit Court for                 
          Orange County rendered final judgment finding that petitioner               

               57The Court’s final judgment recited that the outstanding              
          debt to Freedom consisted of $96,872.18 principal, together with            
          interest of $3,553.20 and attorney’s fees of $4,000.                        

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