David M. and Teri L. Saykally - Page 14

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            no income on these Schedules C.  Petitioners deducted the                                        
            following research and development expenses on these schedules:11                                
                   Description                 1995                 1996                                     
                   Salaries                 $28,584             $1,076,850                                   
                   Contract labor           20,947              46,451                                       
                   Building rent            5,644               54,293                                       
                   Commissions              4,250               3,306                                        
                   Telephone                428                 33,001                                       
                   Meals/entertainment      106                       329                                    
                   Equipment rental         6,052               68,379                                       
                   Repairs/maintenance      1,036               26,086                                       
                   Freight                  497                       265                                    
                   Janitorial               -0-                       426                                    
                   Recruiting fees          -0-                 4,187                                        
                   Travel                   -0-                 3,016                                        
                   Services                 -0-                 13,495                                       
                   Dues & subscriptions     -0-                 1,500                                        
                   Electricity              -0-                 14,218                                       
                   License fees             -0-                 12,050                                       
                   Small equipment          -0-                       573                                    
                   Office supplies          -0-                 1,761                                        
                   Postage/misc.            -0-                       491                                    
                   Interest                 -0-                    160,967                                   
                   TOTAL                    267,543             1,421,645                                    
                   1 The parties agree that $30,020 of this interest is not deductible on                    
            Schedule C, but it is deductible as investment interest.                                         
                   2 The parties stipulated that petitioners deducted $67,543 in research                    
            and development expenses.  However, the column totals to $67,544 and the                         
            notice of deficiency and petitioners’ 1995 return state $67,534 as the amount                    
                   CPSG, Inc. paid the following amounts to petitioner as                                    
            minimum royalties pursuant to the development agreement:                                         

                   Date               Amount                    For Period                                   
                   01/28/97           $52,500            1/31/97 and 4/30/97 (Advance)                       
                   03/31/97           105,000            6/30/97 - 3/31/98                                   
                   12/30/98           78,750             6/30/98 - 12/31/98                                  
                   12/20/99          1108,150            3/31/99 - 12/31/99                                  
                   TOTAL        344,400                                                                      
                   1The $108,150 amount included the royalty payment of $105,000 plus                        
            interest of $3,150 for the period 03/31/99 to 12/31/99.  On or about Aug. 1,                     

                   11The deduction of these research and development expenses                                
            in 1996 substantially eliminated an approximately $1.4 million                                   
            capital gain realized from the sale of Unify Corp. stock.                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011