- 10 - January 31, 1997, through December 31, 2005.8 Petitioner intended that the developed technology would be marketed through CPSG, Inc. On October 1, 1995, CPSG, Inc., Computer Power Software Group Australia Pty Ltd.9 (CPSGAus), and petitioner entered into a service agreement whereby CPSGAus agreed to provide administrative and payroll services to petitioner in his efforts to develop the software technology. CPSGAus hired some of the Australian development staff that had been formerly employed by the syndicates to continue the research and development on petitioner’s behalf. CPSGAus invoiced CPSG, Inc. for these costs. CPSG, Inc. paid the costs associated with the research and development on petitioner’s behalf and recorded petitioner’s indebtedness for the expenses on CPSG, Inc.’s accounting system. Petitioner monitored the work performed by the Australian development “team” via telephone, a visit to Australia, and electronic mail communications. Additionally, petitioner helped solve technical programming problems, prioritized tasks of the 8The minimum quarterly payments of $26,250 were due and owing to petitioner regardless of whether CPSG, Inc. generated any income from the developed technology. The development agreement contemplated that petitioner would receive, at the very least, $945,000 over the term of the agreement (36 quarters). 9Petitioner formed CPSGAus in 1994 to manage CPSG, Inc.’s business activities in Australia. CPSGAus provided development, sales, support, and administrative services to CPSG, Inc.’s subsidiaries: InTEXT Systems, Inc., Operating Control Systems, Inc., and Today Systems, Inc.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011