Square D Company and Subsidiaries - Page 81

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          treated as executed “pursuant to” the former within the meaning             
          of the proposed regulations.  As a consequence, under the                   
          proposed regulations, the latter agreement is “considered to have           
          been entered into before the change.”  Sec. 1.280G-1, A-23,                 
          Proposed Income Tax Regs., supra.  Respondent’s argument is that            
          the Retained Executives were able to obtain key terms of the 1991           
          Employment Agreements--which entitled each to a Retention Payment           
          and a 1991 SRP Benefit calculated to exceed the value of his                
          Termination Award and SRP Cashout--because of the 1990 Employment           
          Agreements which, in the event of a change in control, entitled             
          each Retained Executive to a Termination Award and SRP Cashout at           
          his sole discretion.  The Retained Executives’ entitlement to the           
          Termination Awards and SRP Cashouts under the 1990 Employment               
          Agreements thus gave them “a significant degree of leverage in              
          their negotiations with Schneider” over the 1991 Employment                 
          Agreements, respondent argues.  In respondent’s view, “the 1991             
          Employment Agreements were executed pursuant to the 1990                    
          Employment Agreements, within the meaning of Prop. Treas. Reg. �            
          1.280G-1, Q&A-23, because the terms of the post-acquisition                 
          agreements were dictated by the parachute provisions of the pre-            
          acquisition agreements.”                                                    
               We conclude that respondent’s construction of “pursuant to”            
          is consistent with the meaning of “contingent on a change in the            
          ownership or effective control of the corporation” used in                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011